We are an online Vinyl Record store specializing in collectable Irish Records, in business over 20 years and still loving the sound of those old vinyl recordings.
We are now showcasing samples of our inventory within our "Raggle Taggle" Podcast Page so check us out and hear some wonderful Celtic, Folk, Bluegrass and other ethnic sounds from days of Olde!
irishvinyl.com was born in Dublin, Ireland and since the mid 1990’s it has traveled via Utrecht in the Netherlands and Walnut Creek in California before finally finding a permanent home in beautiful Northern Colorado.
The founder of Irish Vinyl is me-self, Finbar Barrett originally from the ‘Core in the heart of Dublin. From a very young age I was drawn to the magic of collecting vinyl records, especially Irish Folk music, which even throughout all the years remains my favorite form of music, can’t get enough of it!
Thanks for stopping by, your comments are always welcome, and I hope you will visit with us again sometime soon.
Remember All Sales are Vinyl!